Обожаю запах напалма по утрам

Обожаю запах напалма по утрам

Вот чесно только. Не убиваем ни одного испарения, если не хотите навлечь на себя хардмод. Для которого важно было сохранить и мать и Маргери. Сцуко, между брошеной герлой и запахам напалма такая разница, какой нету даже между миниганом и суматчщкой от деор.

Ты его чувствуешь? Это напалм, сынок.

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Люблю запах напалма поутру. Знаешь, как-то бомбили холм двенадцать часов подряд. Когда все закончилось, я поднялся на него. Никого там уже не осталось. И запах этот запах бензина, по всему холму. At the start of the fight, hot up the tank with Rejuvenation and Regrowth. Cause of the discipline priest and the Flash of light spam at some points this will be enough.

Wait for a Black puddle. When the Black puddle lands, stand in it, and stack 3 lifeblooms on the maintank. This only seems to happen for the maintank. I was doing some math for this phase:lifebloom costs mana. That means my lifebloom only costs mana! And still when it blooms, it will give me mana back! I tried spamming lifeblooms on the entire raid, cause i thought it would give me more mana back then it costs, but this doenst seem to work.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. люблю запах напалма по утрам [SFM]

I wasnt gaining mana, i was slowly dying on mana. Then get out of the puddle, and be ready to cast a regrowth IF the tank gets low. When the lifebloom ends on the maintank, get in the puddle again and stack 3 more. We had only 2 ranged DPS, so we had both of them stay at range along with our Discipline Priest, since he got benefit from the shadow crashes by using Power Word: Shield while inside of them.

He will in fact cancel a current cast when it spawns and he gets the immunity bubble although you should probably still try to be interrupting, just in case of lag or something. We were trying this last night, and no one really knew if he kept casting it, so on our first attempt they had me stay on Vezax, which was a waste of time. We had a holy pally, and a resto druid just meleeing Vezax up until then, and only healing on Omen of Clarity procs. Seemed to work fine once the pally, who had never been there before, got the hang of how much damage Vezax was doing.

Комментарий от Some tips for tanks. Saronite Animus allways spawn on same place, its on ground where General Vezax stand before pull. I recommend you to body pull General, no charge, spells or any other ability, General have very small agro range like yards max, just walk there and turn him left or right.

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That way healers will see you and your ranged dps will see General and you will have range for Saronite Animus when he will spawn. Also Saronite Animus is not tauntable on 10man, if you dont have any missdirection rogue,hunter as tank you have to aggro him your self.

Обожаю запах напалма по утрам

I recommend you to make target macro, General alone is quite big and you might have problem to click on Saronite Animus. Hopefully this helps, GL. When Animus spawns, Vezax gains almost-immunity bubble.

Tthe act of gaining that bubble also cancels any cast he might be already performing. This happened to us approx. You can be unlucky though, and have Vezax get the bubble before casts Surge - in that case you must live through it, unfortunately, or try again in hope for better RNG luck. Also that we dont have much 25 man Ulduar gear but quite a bit of other hard mode loot from 10man and some 25 man Ulduar items from the first bosses.

Basically my point is you dont have to be amazingly geared to do this with just 2 healers. We also us are very melee heavy which usually isnt the case with general groups, but I would suggest it since it seems to make things very very easy.

Also using some mana here and there during the surges. Between earth shield and his 1 single hot the tank was just fine mainly and since there isnt much feral tank gear in ulduar 10 our tank wasnt much more than 25naxx geared with full tier 8. Surge of Darkness We had the ret paladins on a rotation when putting cooldowns on the druid tank during each surge with the druid popping barkskin on 1 trinket on each one.

One ret pally took the 1st and 3rd surge, Other one took the 2nd and 4th note: the 4th surge is when the animus comes out. Our druid healer bit the dust a few times by pre-hotting our tank for the 2nd phase.

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Shadow Pots: While we had them, we didnt use them much at all. Hope this helps anybody trying to do this, took us about 2 hrs and attempts to down it , this was our first night working on it.

Люблю запах напалма поутрам 🔥 #shorts

Standing out with the ranged, I hop into Shadow Crashes to shield the tank. I then hop out to heal him. The occasional Flash Heal does not hurt either. This is enough to get me through the rest of the fight. The other healers should be at full mana, and capable of healing any incoming damage as long as your DPS is good and kills the Saronite Animus promptly.

What I do during Phase 2 is stand in every Shadow Crash, spam shielding the raid. This reduces the healing burden of the other healers, and chips away at your remaining mana very slowly. Комментарий от nephrite As of Patch 3. Комментарий от semmal Anyone know if you can just kill Vezax before the Animus even spawns and still get the achievement?

Комментарий от wheres the love for the locks? Комментарий от wowgeek As of Cata, this achievement is still difficult. A full raid of 85s wiped dozens of times as we struggled to cope with the damage and no mana. Very difficult achievement. The saronite animus is untauntable, and our OT had to really get him, because ranged DPS standing in the black puddles were godly 40k noncrit soul fire 1. This and Yogg-Saron with 1 keeper are probably the hardest ones in the Glory of the Uld raider.

Being level 85 does not guarentee success. Комментарий от Soloed as an Affli Warlock with Voidlord. To activate Hard Mode you have to wait until Saronite Animus appears about 3 minutes. During this time, you can not destroy any Saronite Vapor. Во 2 нет, мстюны безскоростные днища, у Марвел пкм с ее фильма тож скоростей на махание кулаками нету. У них более чем достаточно скоростей чтобы держать черта, пока Тони не щелкнет пальцем. Ну и да, чёт я не вижу чтобы Марвер разбилась об землю, когда летала за пару менут из космоса до поверхности и обратно.

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